Anthony R. Pezzula
Subject 91375
Meeting notes from the case of Subject 91375, a fifteen year old pregnant female in her first month following conception.
First Meeting-August 24, 2052; Present-Subject 91375, her grandparents, James Sanford, Office Manager, Kevin Doyle, Assistant Manager, Sara Conklin, Case Worker, Laura Stanton, Transcriber.
Location: Conference Room 3, Department of Life Services upstate office.
Time: 1:00PM
Mr. Sanford: Welcome all, let’s get started shall we? I’m Jim Sanford the office manager here. This is Mr. Doyle my assistant and you know Sara your case worker. Also here is Ms. Stanton who will transcribe the meeting for the record. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the Postnatal Agreement under Section 517 of the Life Services Act. In accordance with that Act, your identity and that of your family will remain anonymous, and there will be nothing in the record to identify any of you. From here on in we will refer to you as Subject 91375 to maintain your anonymity. Do you understand? I’m sorry, nodding isn’t enough, you must verbalize here so that we can properly record everything.
Subject 91375: Yes, I understand.
Mr. Sanford: Good, thank you. Now, can you state why you are here?
Grandfather: We’re here because she got knocked up.
Grandmother: Don’t be so crude.
Mr. Sanford: Excuse me, but we need to hear from her in her own words for the record. Now I’ll ask again, why are you here?
Subject 91375: I’m here because I’m pregnant and I can’t have this baby.
Mr. Sanford: What do you mean you can’t have the baby?
Subject 91375: I mean I’m too young to have a baby. I’m still in High School and I’d like to go to college someday. I can’t do all that and take care of a baby too. It wouldn’t be fair to me or the baby.
Grandfather: Not to mention we can’t afford it.
Mr. Sanford: Please sir, you’ll get your turn.
Subject 91375: He’s right though we can’t afford it.
Mr. Sanford: And so, again, for the record, why did you contact Ms. Conklin?
Subject 91375: Well, my guidance counselor at school told me about this program, and gave me her name and number. He said she might help.
Mr. Sanford: And the program he told you about, how much do you know about it?
Subject 91375: Sara told us some things about it. I guess it would allow the baby to be adopted, and provide some benefits to us in the meantime.
Ms. Conklin: We just had some preliminary discussions; I didn’t go into a lot of detail.
Mr. Sanford: Okay, very good. Now, you just learned you were pregnant, is that correct?
Subject 91375: Yes.
Mr. Sanford: How many weeks are you?
Subject 91375: They said three I guess.
Grandfather: We just found out.
Mr. Sanford: Thank you sir.
Grandfather: She can’t deal with having a baby she’s too young. She has her future to consider.
Mr. Sanford: I understand, but let’s take this one step at a time, okay?
Grandfather: Sorry, this is upsetting for all of us. She’s too young, and we’re too old to be dealing with this. She should have used better judgement.
Grandmother: Stop, leave her alone.
Mr. Sanford: Please, we must go through some steps officially, so please hold your comments and questions, you’ll have an opportunity later.
Grandfather: Sorry.
Mr. Sanford: Okay, let’s proceed. Kevin, do you want to take over?
Mr. Doyle: Sure. Bear with me folks; I need to ask some questions in accordance with the provisions of the law. These may seem personal, but rest assured, your answers go no further, and as Mr. Sanford said, you all will remain anonymous throughout this process. Now, please verify your age.
Subject 91375: I’m fifteen.
Mr. Doyle: And do you know who the father is?
Subject 91375: Yes.
Mr. Doyle: How old is he? If he is over the age of consent then this would be statutory rape and other options would be available to you.
Subject 91375: He’s fifteen too.
Grandfather: Other options? Like what?
Mr. Doyle: Well the law provides that if the pregnancy endangers the life of the mother, or is a result of rape, including statutory rape, or incest, it can be terminated.
Grandfather: Wouldn’t that be the easiest way to deal with this?
Mr. Doyle: Based on what you’ve told us, that option is not available. And if she tries to pursue it, she and the doctor would be subject to severe penalties. Now, is the father part of the agreement?
Subject 91375: He doesn’t know I’m pregnant.
Mr. Doyle: Do you intend to tell him?
Subject 91375: Do I have to?
Mr. Doyle: It is not required, no.
Subject 91375: I don’t want him to know.
Mr. Doyle: That is your right. What about your parents are they in the picture?
Grandfather: Her parents were killed in a car crash when she was two years old. We are her guardians.
Mr. Doyle: I see, sorry. And what is the family income like?
Grandfather: The only thing we have coming in is my Social Security.
Mr. Doyle: Nothing else?
Grandmother: I never worked if that’s what you’re getting at.
Mr. Doyle: I’m not making any judgements, just trying to get the facts. There are certain income requirements associated with the Postnatal Agreement criteria. Eventually we will need to see some financial records, tax returns, bank accounts and the like. But that’s for a later day. Now, do you understand that you’ll be giving up any rights to the baby?
Subject 91375: (Unintelligible)…
Ms. Conklin: Do you need a moment?
Subject 91375: No, it’s okay. Yes, I understand.
Grandmother: It’s what we decided.
Subject 91375: I know.
Grandfather: We’ve been over this honey, you know it’s for the best.
Subject 91375: Yes, I know.
Mr. Doyle: Let me just explain the terms of the agreement to get it on the record and to be sure you understand. Under the agreement you are turning over to the State guardianship of the baby. You will relinquish all rights to his or her life and upbringing. You will agree that any adoption the State arranges for the baby shall be at the sole discretion of the State and all fees from the adoption shall accrue to the State’s treasury. You will agree not to attempt to contact the child or the adoptive parents for the lifetime of the child or your lifetime. You agree to provide family medical history information, which will be turned over to the adoptive parents for the medical benefit of the child, redacting all family member identity of course. In exchange for this, the State agrees to provide all medical costs of the pregnancy and birth, including any costs that may arise out of any complications. Do you all understand these terms?
Subject 91375: Yes.
Grandfather: Yeah, sure.
Grandmother: Yes.
Mr. Doyle: Good. This will all be provided in writing to you, and a notarized signature will be required. But we’ll deal with that later, either at the end of today’s meeting, or another date. Now, are there any questions?
Subject 91375: What happens if no one wants it?
Mr. Doyle: I beg your pardon?
Subject 91375: Suppose no one wants to adopt it? What happens to the baby then?
Ms. Conklin: Oh honey, that doesn’t happen. There are plenty of couples looking to adopt, especially an infant.
Mr. Doyle: That’s right. The baby’s identity and anonymous information about you and your family will go into a database that is shared nationwide and even internationally.
Grandmother: What is the adoption rate?
Grandfather: What’s the difference?
Grandmother: I’m just curious. And it might help answer her question.
Mr. Sanford: The program has been very successful. Nationwide ninety-three percent of the infants are adopted. Our office has an even higher percentage, ninety-five percent.
Subject 91375: What happens to those who are not adopted?
Mr. Sanford: They remain wards of the State until they reach adulthood.
Subject 91375: Wards of the State?
Mr. Sanford: That means…
Subject 91375: I know what it means. It just sounds so cold.
Grandfather: Don’t go thinking we can adopt it.
Subject 91375: I’m not, I’m just (unintelligible).
Mr. Sanford: Look, the purpose of this meeting is to get preliminary information for us and you. You don’t have to commit to anything at this point. We want you to take time to consider everything discussed today and make sure this is what you want. In fact, the law requires a waiting period of at least seven days before an agreement can be accepted, so that all parties can assure it is right for them. In the meantime we will give you written information about the agreement and each party’s responsibilities as Mr. Doyle described them. Ms. Conklin will be in touch to obtain the financial and medical information described today. Now if there are no more questions, we’ll adjourn this meeting. If any questions occur to you later, feel free to contact Ms. Conklin. She will also let you know the date of the next meeting, assuming you wish to go forward. Thank you for coming, and may God be with you.
Meeting adjourned.
Second Meeting-September 6, 2052. Present; Subject 91375, her grandparents, Kevin Doyle, Assistant Manager, Sara Conklin, Case Worker, Laura Stanton, Transcriber.
Location: Conference Room 5, Department of Life Services upstate office.
Time: 2:00PM
Mr. Doyle: Welcome. For the record, this is our second meeting to discuss Subject 91375 and her Postnatal Agreement under Section 517 of the Life Services Act. Information was previously discussed about the agreement, and the minimal time period has expired so that you are now eligible to formally enter into one should you choose. Ms. Conklin, can you update the status of our review?
Ms. Conklin: Yes, thank you. As requested, we were provided with tax returns for the last three years, as well as checking and savings accounts information, all of which verified the income level is within the requirements of the law. We also did a search for other possible assets and found none, besides the current house owned by her guardians, which is exempt for the purposes of income consideration. So financially all the requirements provided in the law are met.
Mr. Doyle: And what about the family medical information?
Ms. Conklin: Both verbal and written medical records have been provided from the family or their primary medical providers. Names have been redacted and they will become part of the record once a formal agreement is entered into.
Mr. Doyle: Very good, thank you. Now this is your opportunity to ask any questions or get any clarification you may need to make a final decision. We have a Notary Public on staff who could notarize your signatures should you wish to finalize today. But you don’t have to, you can still take some time to think about it.
Subject 91375: I think I need more time.
Grandfather: What?
Grandmother: Honey, I thought we decided we would finalize today.
Subject 91375: You decided, not me.
Ms. Conklin: Do you have questions dear that we can address?
Subject 91375: I don’t know, maybe.
Ms. Conklin: This is the time to ask.
Subject 91375: I know.
Grandfather: Well ask then.
Subject 91375: I’m not sure if I want to or how to say it.
Grandmother: Take your time honey, it’s okay.
Mr. Doyle: Yes, no pressure, you can ask later too. It’s just that if no agreement is finalized within thirty days from when we obtained the financial and medical information, we basically have to start over, particularly in the financial review. And I should remind you that no medical costs will be paid by the State until the agreement is final.
Grandfather: Well then c’mon, ask your questions, we need to get this done today.
Ms. Conklin: Let’s see if we can help. Are your questions about your health, the baby, the adoption?
Subject 91375: The baby.
Ms. Conklin: I see. This is not an easy decision, so we understand you are going through all sorts of feelings and emotions.
Grandmother: Yes, and you know we love and support you no matter what.
Subject 91375: I know, I know, it’s just that (unintelligible).
Grandfather: What, what, c’mon, get it out.
Grandmother: Leave her alone.
Ms. Conklin: Take your time honey, think about what you want to say and just say it. There’s no judgment here, and no stupid questions. We want to address your concerns, believe me.
Subject 91375: Well, I was thinking last night, what if something bad happens during the pregnancy.
Mr. Doyle: I believe we indicated at our last meeting that the State will bear the costs regarding any complications.
Subject 91375: It’s not that, it’s just (unintelligible).
Ms. Conklin: Just what honey, you can say it.
Subject 91375: Suppose something is wrong with the baby. Something really bad.
Grandmother: Nothing will be wrong, you’re a healthy girl.
Subject 91375: But suppose something like that happens. Not to me, but to the baby. What if we know it’s in danger, not developing properly, what then?
Mr. Doyle: Under the law, the fetus must be brought to term, unless there is a danger to the life of the mother.
Subject 91375: I don’t know.
Grandfather: What don’t you know? What’s the problem?
Subject 91375: Who will want to adopt a baby that has problems? And what if it won’t live long after it’s born, or will suffer because of whatever the problems are?
Grandfather: That’s for the State to deal with.
Grandmother: This is your flesh and blood we’re talking about.
Grandfather: I know that, but what’s the alternative? We can’t afford to take care of a healthy baby much less one that may have issues. I love you honey, and I know this is difficult, but I don’t see where we have much choice.
Subject 91375: I don’t know.
Mr. Doyle: I feel I have an obligation here to remind you that the conditions for terminating a pregnancy are not currently met by you and would not be satisfied under the circumstances you raise. So that option would not be available to you unless you wanted to risk severe fines and possible imprisonment.
Subject 913755: But if I sign and then later have concerns about the baby, what then?
Mr. Doyle: Once you sign, the only rights you have is with respect to your own health. In the eyes of the law, you will in effect become a bearer of the State’s property and obliged to carry out the terms of the agreement. Furthermore, if you read the agreement, it requires you to exercise healthy habits.
Subject 913755: I read it, but not sure I took it all in. Can you go over that?
Mr. Doyle: Well, you must agree to not ingest any alcohol or other recreational drugs for the duration of the pregnancy.
Subject 91375: Of course I wouldn’t do that.
Mr. Doyle: You’d be surprised at those who would. Also, since the State’s main concern is the health of the fetus, you are required to take certain vitamin supplements and to observe a healthy diet. You must also promise to avoid late night partying and other physical activity as the pregnancy advances.
Grandfather: How are we supposed to afford these supplements you’re talking about?
Ms. Conklin: Those will be provided by us. I’ll be checking with you weekly to provide what is needed. We also have prepared meals and other food resources that I’ll be delivering each week to assure you’re getting the best diet for you and the baby.
Mr. Doyle: One more thing, you’ll be required to maintain a daily journal of your activities, what you’re eating and drinking and any health issues, which Ms. Conklin will review on a weekly basis.
Subject 91375: Sounds like I’m kind of a captive.
Ms. Conklin: These are all designed to assure a healthy experience for you and the baby.
Grandmother: Dear, the things you’re thinking about aren’t going to happen, I think we should sign.
Subject 91375: Can you guarantee that?
Grandfather: There are no guarantees in life. I think we should sign too.
Subject 91375: I don’t know, I just don’t know.
Ms. Conklin: Why don’t you sleep on it tonight and get back to me when you’re ready. Would that be okay?
Subject 91375: I guess so.
Mr. Doyle: Just a reminder about the thirty day time frame I mentioned earlier.
Grandfather: Yeah, got it. I expect we’ll be getting back to you very soon. Sorry for all this.
Grandmother: Don’t apologize, she has a right to have doubts and questions.
Subject 91375: Thanks Grandma. I’m sorry Grandpa, I just need a little more time.
Ms Conklin: It’s okay. You have my number, so when you’re ready just call and we’ll set up the next meeting.
Mr. Doyle: All right. If there are no other questions or concerns, we’ll adjourn for today Thank you all for coming.
Meeting adjourned.
File Note: As of December 15, 2052 no further contact from Subject 91375. Postnatal Agreement case closed. Referral made to the Enforcement Unit to monitor for possible pregnancy termination violation.