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Richard Dinges, Jr.
Nothing in a sky
after sunset, before
dark settles, no color,
a dun that fogs
my eyes, not so
blind I cannot
see nothing, no
clouds to blur edges
or omens, what
my last vision
of this world may
be, only a black
streak of light from
the last bird awake
to remind me
I am still bound
to stand this ground.
My Form
This form is who
I am. It evolved through
millennia from a drop
of salty water to a pool
of blood and a slab
of meat. Trial and error
distills meaning, forms
the soil I walk upon,
felt through bare soles.
Tree limbs wave
dry dead leaves at me,
blur my vision before
I leave their gnarled
forms, gather myself
at the edge of open
fields. I look up
to find I have fallen
from great heights
into a simple form that
chose a narrow path.

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