Gareth Culshaw lives in Wales. He had his first collection published, The Miner, by FutureCycle in 2018. He has been published in various places across the UK and USA. His two dogs, Jasper and Lana, help redraft his poems.
Holly Day’s poetry has recently appeared in Plainsongs, The Long Islander, and The Nashwaak Review. Her newest poetry collections are In This Place, She Is Her Own (Vegetarian Alcoholic Press), A Wall to Protect Your Eyes (Pski’s Porch Publishing), Folios of Dried Flowers and Pressed Birds (, Where We Went Wrong (Clare Songbirds Publishing), and Into the Cracks (Golden Antelope Press).
M. Glass, 21, is a previously unpublished writer. She is not a real person, but instead a pseudonym for a young woman who would like to remain shrouded in glamorous mystery. She enjoys studying religion, raising plants and flowers in the window by her desk, and watching her neighbors do illegal things from her front porch.
Robin Gow's poetry has recently been published in POETRY, New Delta Review, and Roanoke Review. He is a graduate student and professor at Adelphi University pursuing an MFA in Creative Writing. He is the Editor at Large for Village of Crickets and Social Media Coordinator for Oyster River Pages. He is an out and proud bisexual transgender man passionate about LGBT issues. He loves poetry that lilts in and out of reality and his queerness is also the central axis of his work.
Work by Mitchell Krockmalnik Grabois appears in magazines worldwide. Nominated for numerous prizes, he was awarded the 2017 Booranga Centre (Australia) Fiction Prize. His novel, Two-Headed Dog, based on his work in a state hospital, is available for Kindle and as a print edition. His poetry collection, THE ARREST OF MR. KISSY FACE, published in March 2019 by Pski’s Porch Publications, is available here. Visit his website to read more of his poetry and flash fiction.
Stephen Jackson is originally from Ohio. He now lives and writes in the Pacific Northwest, where he divides his time between Washington and Oregon. His poems have most recently appeared or are forthcoming in The American Journal of Poetry, HelloHorror, and Impossible Archetype.
Max Johansson-Pugh was born in London and came to New Zealand when he was four. Since then, he has been raised in Auckland and feels a great sense of place in Aotearoa. Gained an English scholarship out of high school and has since worked many contrasting jobs, from construction, to bar tending and coaching tennis but has fallen out of love with following a roster and currently runs a small gardening business. This is his first published work.
Sandra Kolankiewicz’s poems have appeared widely, most recently in Otis Nebulae, Trampset, Concho River Review, London Magazine, New World Writing and Appalachian Heritage. Turning Inside Out was published by Black Lawrence. Finishing Line has released The Way You Will Go and Lost in Transition.
Edward Lee's poetry, short stories, non-fiction and photography have been published in magazines in Ireland, England and America, including The Stinging Fly, Skylight 47, Acumen and Smiths Knoll. He is currently working on two photography collections: 'Lying Down With The Dead' and 'There Is A Beauty In Broken Things'. He also makes musical noise under the names Ayahuasca Collective, Lewis Milne, Orson Carroll, Blinded Architect, Lego Figures Fighting, and Pale Blond Boy. His blog/website can be found at
Mario Loprete writes “I live in a world that i shape at my liking, throughout a virtual pictorial and sculptural movement, transferrig my experiences, photographing reality throughout my filters, refined from years research and experimentation. Painting for me is the first love. An important, pure love. Creating a painting, starting from the spasmodic research of a concept with which I want to send a message; to transmit my message, it’s the base of my painting. The sculpture is my lover, my artistic betrayal to the painting. That voluptuous and sensual lover that gives me different emotions, that touches prohibited cords…
The new series of works on concrete it’s the one that is giving me more personal and professional satisfactions. How was it born? It was the result of an important investigation of my work, the research of that “quid” that i felt was missing. Looking at my work in the past ten years I understood that there was the semantics and semiotics in my visual speech, but the right support to valorize the message was not there. The reinforced cement, the concrete, was created two thousand years ago by the Romans. It has a millenary story, made of amphitheatres, bridges and roads that have conquered the ancient and modern world. Now it’s a synonym of modernity. Everywhere you go and you find a concrete wall, there’s the modern man in there. From Sidney to Vancouver, from Oslo to Pretoria, the reinforced cement it’s present and consequently the support where the “writers” can express themselves, it’s present. The successive passage was obvious for me. If man brought art on the streets in order to make it accessible to everyone, why not bring the urban in galleries and museums? It was the winning step to the continuous evolutionary process of my work in that “quid” that i was talking about before, and that is what is making me expose in prestigious places and is making me be requested from important collectors. When the painting has compleetly dried off, I brush it with a particular that not only manages to unite every color and shade, but it also gives to the art work the shininess and lucidity that the poster ,that each and every one of us had hanging on the wall, has.
For my Concrete Sculptures I use my personal clothing. Throughout some artistical process, in which I use plaster, resin and cement, I transform them into artworks to hang. My memory, my DNA, my memories remain concreted inside, transforming the person that looks at the artworks into a type of post-modern archeologist that studies my work as if they were urban artefacts.
Jeremy Nathan Marks is a London, Ontario-based writer and amateur photographer. Recent work appears/will appear in KYSO Flash, Microfiction Mondays, Unlikely Stories, Poets Reading The News, Writers Resist, Poetry Pacific, Front Porch Review, As It Ought To Be, Cajun Mutt, Rat's Ass Review, The Conclusion, The Local Train, Verse of Silence, Total Eclipse Pittsburgh, Bravearts Africa, Eunoia Review, The Wire's Dream. Alien Buddha Press, and NRM Magazine. His short story, "Detroit 2099" was published in Stories of the Nature of Cities 2099 Anthology in summer 2019.
Neil Mathison is an essayist and short story writer with over fifty publications in literary magazines and anthologies including the Georgia Review, Southern Humanities Review, Kenyon Review, and many others. Neil’s essay collection Volcano: An A to Z and Other Essays about Geology, Geography, and Geo-Travel in the American West won the 2016 Bauhan Publishing Monadnock Essay Collection Prize and was recently published by Bauhan (a micro-press) in June 2017. Two of his essays have been recognized as a "notable essays" in Best American Essays. One of his short stories won the 2013 Fiction Attic Short Story Contest and was published in Modern Shorts: 18 Short Stories from Fiction Attic Press. My Author’s Guild website link is
Tara Menon’s nonfiction has appeared in The Boston Globe, Green Mountains Review, The Kenyon Review, Color Magazine, Fjords Review, Na’amat Woman, Calyx, India Currents, Parabola, India New England, and Hinduism Today. The following journals and anthologies have published her poetry: The Bangalore Review, voice of eve, Calliope, Lalitamba, Azizah Magazine, Aaduna, Yellow as Turmeric, Fragrant as Cloves, the view from here, and 10x3 plus poetry. Her fiction has been published in Catamaran, The APA Journal, Many Mountains Moving, India Currents, The South Carolina Review, Living in America and Mother of the Groom.
Keith Moul is a poet of place, a photographer of the distinction light adds to place. Both his poems and photos are published widely. His photos are digital, striving for high contrast and saturation, which makes his vision colorful (or weak, requiring enhancement).
Martina Reisz Newberry’s most recent book is BLUES FOR FRENCH ROAST WITH CHICORY, due out in early 2019 from Deerbrook Editions. She is the author of NEVER COMPLETELY AWAKE ( from Deerbrook Editions), and TAKE THE LONG WAY HOME (Unsolicited Press). She is also the author of WHERE IT GOES (Deerbrook Editions). LEARNING BY ROTE (Deerbrook Editions) and RUNNING LIKE A WOMAN WITH HER HAIR ON FIRE: Collected Poems (Red Hen Press). She has been included in "The Sixty Four Best Poets of 2018" (Black Mountain Press/The Halcyone Magazine editorial staff). Newberry has been included in It Happened Under Cover, Ascent Aspirations’ first two hard-copy anthologies, also in the anthologies In The Company Of Women, Blessed Are These Hands and Veils, and Halos & Shackles: International Poetry on the Oppression and Empowerment of Women. She has been widely published in literary magazines in the U.S. and abroad. She has been awarded residencies at Yaddo Colony for the Arts, Djerassi Colony for the Arts, and Anderson Center for Disciplinary Arts. Passionate in her love for Los Angeles, Martina currently lives there with her husband, Brian, a Media Creative.
Previously, Phillip Parotti has published short fiction, essays, and poems in a variety of little magazines. Now retired, he resides in New Mexico where he continues to write and work as a print artist.
Rachel Passer is originally from London and has been living in Phoenix for many years. She has a passion for painting abstracts and writing stories. She has written a medieval fantasy novel that’s under publishing contract and will release in 2020! Insta: @r.j.passer
Simon Perchik is an attorney whose poems have appeared in Partisan Review, Forge, Poetry, Osiris, The New Yorker and elsewhere. His most recent collection is The Gibson Poems published by Cholla Needles Arts & Literary Library, 2019. For more information including free e-books and his essay “Magic, Illusion and Other Realities” please visit his website at To view one of his interviews please follow this link
Christina E. Petrides is an expatriate American living on a small Pacific island where all the magpies and the palm trees are imported, but the rice wine is indigenous and delicious.
Thomas Piekarski is a former editor of the California State Poetry Quarterly and Pushcart Prize nominee. His poetry and interviews have appeared in literary journals internationally, including Nimrod, Florida English Journal, Cream City Review, Mandala Journal, Poetry Salzburg, Poetry Quarterly, Pennsylvania Literary Journal, and Boston Poetry Magazine. He has published a travel book, Best Choices In Northern California, and his epic adventure Ballad of Billy the Kid is available on Amazon in both Kindle and print versions.
Charles Rammelkamp is Prose Editor for BrickHouse Books in Baltimore and Reviews Editor for The Adirondack Review. A chapbook of poems, Jack Tar’s Lady Parts, is available from Main Street Rag Publishing. Another poetry chapbook, Me and Sal Paradise, was recently published by FutureCycle Press. An e-chapbook has also recently been published online Time Is on My Side (yes it is) – Charles Rammelkamp once arm-wrestled Sonny Liston in a bar in East Saint Louis.
Mindela Ruby holds a PhD in English from University of California. Her recent writing appears in Coachella Review, Marathon Literary Review, FRiGG, WomenArts Quarterly, and the anthology Unmasked. Her work has been Pushcart and Best of the Net nominated. A former punk rock DJ, she has published the novel Mosh It Up (2014).
David Sapp, writer, artist and professor, lives along the southern shore of Lake Erie in North America. A Pushcart nominee, he was awarded an Ohio Arts Council Individual Excellence grant and an Akron Soul Train fellowship for poetry. His writing appears widely in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. His publications include articles in the Journal of Creative Behavior; chapbooks Close to Home and Two Buddha; and a novel, Flying Over Erie.
Cliff Saunders has an MFA in Creative Writing from The University of Arizona. His poems have appeared recently in The Wayne Literary Review, Pedestal Magazine, Wilderness House Literary Review, Pinyon, San Pedro River Review, North of Oxford, and Cardinal Sins. He lives in Myrtle Beach, where he serves as co-coordinator of The Litchfield Tea & Poetry Series.
Richard Charles Schaefer is a Massachusetts native living in Chattanooga, Tennessee with his wife, two children, and two cats. He recently finished his first novel and is working on a collection of short stories. His work appears in Issue 36 of Lowestoft Chronicle and is soon to appear in Furious Gazelle.
Don Thompson has been writing about the San Joaquin Valley for over fifty years, including a dozen or so books and chapbooks. For more info and links to publishers, visit his website at
Jon Wesick is a regional editor of the San Diego Poetry Annual. He’s published hundreds of poems and stories in journals such as the Atlanta Review, Berkeley Fiction Review, Metal Scratches, Pearl, Slipstream, Space and Time, Tales of the Talisman, and Zahir. The editors of Knot Magazine nominated his story “The Visitor” for a Pushcart Prize. His poem “Meditation Instruction” won the Editor’s Choice Award in the 2016 Spirit First Contest. Another poem “Bread and Circuses” won second place in the 2007 African American Writers and Artists Contest. “Richard Feynman’s Commute” shared third place in the 2017 Rhysling Award’s short poem category. Jon is the author of the poetry collection Words of Power, Dances of Freedom as well as several novels and most recently the short-story collection The Alchemist’s Grandson Changes His Name.