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Allan Winans

The Wrong Side of Town

cop’s flashlight intruding on my thoughts
nightstick rapping on my window
demanding to know what I’m doing out
at this ungodly hour
ordered out of car frisked
and taken downtown for questioning
police suspicious why a white boy
would be listening to a tape
of a black musician
in a respectable part of town

Saturday Night Special

No need to go out to a movie

More than enough action right

Here at home

Sirens wailing in the night

Police helicopter circling above

Searchlight igniting the sky

Shadow like figure leaps over fence

Like a skilled track hurdler

Dogs barking faces peering out the window

Neighbors hugging the night air

Like a chilled lover shivering

In anticipation

Intruder frozen in spotlight

Drops flat to the ground

Looking like a dead man

Laid out beneath a sea of stars

Sean Ewing Crimson_Elegance.jpg


© 2015 by William Ray

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